Monday, 19 August 2013

Victimisation of Nigerians in S-Africa

SOUTH African-born wives of Nigerians living
in South Africa are set for a major nationwide
protest against their increasing stigmatisation
by their fellow countrymen and women. According to the Chairperson of the United
Nigerian Wives in South Africa (UNWISA), Mrs
Lindale Uche, fellow South Africans
discriminate against them, their spouses and
children. Uche said children of such marriages are called
derogatory names and made to feel like
outcasts, aliens and unwelcome. The women
had protested earlier in March this year, but
nothing came of it, hence their decision to
form an association and fight together. This is yet another indication that little is being
done, especially by the South African
authorities, to create a conducive atmosphere
for Nigerians to lawfully live fulfilled life. The
hostility that Nigerians suffer at the hands of
South Africans was topped in March last year when 56 Nigerian travellers to South Africa
were deported from the Johannesburg
International Airport over alleged possession of
fake yellow vaccine papers. Nigeria swiftly retaliated by bundling 78 South
African visitors to Nigeria back to their country.
Diplomatic steps were taken to mend fences.
However, the unwelcoming atmosphere
continues to fester in a country Nigeria
invested enormous human and material resources and efforts to end its apartheid
policy. The freedom, peace and prosperity South
Africa enjoys today owes chiefly to the
leadership and sacrifices of Nigerians. No other
country on the continent, or indeed, in the
world should have a bigger place of pride or be
more welcome than Nigeria. It would seem that little effort was made by the
South African leadership to reflect the true
pillars of the anti-apartheid struggle beyond
the efforts of local South African politicians
and activists. If they did, Nigerians would be
held in high regard and be happily accommodated in South Africa. It is high time that the Federal Government
took firm measures to force a change of
attitude towards Nigerians, their families and
sundry interests who have legitimate presence
in South Africa. The country stands to lose
more than Nigeria if matters should come to a head. South African businesses are thriving in
Nigeria, and not a single case of molestation of
South Africans living in Nigeria has been
reported. Nigeria is a very friendly country
which welcomes foreigners with warmth that is
uniquely Nigerian. In our cultures, guests are accorded more
comfort than kin.
Nigerians and South Africans should be
brothers working together for their mutual
benefit. The onus is on South Africa to
reciprocate the great hand of fellowship which Nigeria has extended to her from her days of
need to date. Nigerians did not fight apartheid
to become its new victims.

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